15 January 2016

Best Vitamins for a Healthy Heart

Best Vitamins for a Healthy Heart - The ideal heart is vital for living, and balanced food with nutritional supplements rich in vitamins and minerals is vital for any healthy heart. In many cases, heart attacks occur due to vitamin and mineral deficiency. 

Sounds weird? It is true! 

Our body muscles need vitamins and minerals like a fuel for energy and also to perform body functions. The guts is likewise a muscular organ that needs more minerals and vitamins. It‘s highly likely, you aren‘t taking enough vitamins and minerals with your food, and maybe you need nutritional supplements to satisfy this requirement. Taking all vitamins and minerals one-by-one is extremely hard and hence, the all-in-one multivitamin was created. This multivitamin can be the very best supplement you can ever buy just since it contains all of the vitamins and minerals that vitalize your heart and you may bring it on-the-go. 

Firstly, allow us to see the significance of minerals that are essential for any healthy heart. 
Best Vitamins for a Healthy Heart


Rhythmic heart beat is vital for the well-being of the guts. Magnesium regulates the contraction of heart muscles by regulating the neuromuscular activities of the guts. Also, magnesium plays a crucial role in co-ordinating the activities of potassium and calcium salts for healthy heart activity. In particular, magnesium significantly prevents the occurrence of heart attacks in men. 


Is that the only mineral that decreases the 'bad cholesterol or LDL-cholesterol' and prevents heart attacks. Copper can reverse the enlargement associated with the guts which occur due to prolonged heart diseases, for example, cardiomyopathy, and it‘s the only mineral that decreases LDL-Cholesterol. 


Recent research studies suggests calcium prevents the occurrence of hypertension by preventing blood vessel constriction and acting upon the nerves present in smooth muscles walls of the guts. Calcium regulates rhythmic heart activity helping to stabilize blood pressure in men. 


Contains four kinds of antioxidants which will effectively prevent degenerative alterations in the guts that result in heart attack and congestive heart failure. Selenium deficiency can cause heart cell damage and heart enlargement. Supplemental Selenium intake can prevent as well as reverse these abnormalities. 


Is vital for heart-pumping and also to maintain a normal and continuous heartbeat. Potassium vitalizes the nerves present in the guts to supply a low-voltage current to assist heart beats. 

Next, we will begin to see the important vitamins which are vital for any healthy heart. 

Vitamin B complex: May helps our body to lower homocysteine levels, which is among the main causatives of a heart attack. 

B3 can modify the levels of cholesterol by increasing HDL and decreasing LDL, triglyceride, and VLDL which contributes towards the formation of 'plaques' incidence of heart attack.

Vitamin B2 and B12 can modify the fibrinogen and platelet aggregation, prevents the formation of blood clots that predispose heart attack. Vitamin B2 is vital for normal heart beats and deficiency may result in arrhythmia.

B6 can significantly decrease the formation of homocysteine and inflammation of heart muscles due to oxidative stress. 

Vitamin C: Increases 'good cholesterol or HDL' and decreases LDL, protects blood vessels from inflammation and damaging from the aging process helping one‘s body to recycle Vitamin E. 

Vitamin E: Can prevent heart diseases in normal individuals and delays incidence in patients rich in cholesterol levels and in 'at-risk' population. In simple words, Vitamin E cannot cure heart disease but prevents. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids delays the aging process prevents the incidence of heart diseases and increases the survival rate of patients with heart diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids may decrease triglycerides, lower blood pressure, reduce blood clotting, that the causative factors of a heart attack. 

Vitamin D: Plays a crucial role inside the ability of the guts to pump blood efficiently, along with maintaining the structure from the cells located in the guts. Recent research studies found that sufficient intake of Vitamin D can decrease the inflammation of heart cells by disease processes and considerably decrease the incidence of death due to congestive heart failure and heart attack. 

CoQ10: Is needed to satisfy the heart's energy need. CoQ10 is vital for the production of ATP, a style of energy that forms due to metabolism. It offers cellular protection against lipid peroxidation, an oxidative stress of tissues. Recent research studies found that intake of CoQ10 decreases incidences of heart enlargement, blood pressure, and frequency of hospitalization because of heart problems. 

Lysine: Acts synergistically with Vitamin C and prevents adhesion of cholesterol in blood vessels and prevents clogging of heart vessels by plaques which leads to chest pain and heart attacks. Lysine increase pumping of heart and leaches out Lipoprotein (a ), a special sort of cholesterol that causes heart attacks.

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